Our new location is 1201 Edgewood Drive, Maumelle AR - in the First United Methodist Church building. We have two services each Sunday: 10:00 am in the upstairs chapel and 5:00 pm in the main sanctuary. All are welcome!
Belong, Be Loved, Be Involved
Wednesday Lenten Soup Suppers 6:00 pm
March 12, 19, 26, April 2, 9 Join us for a simple meal and fellowship. To sign up to bring something, email stnicholasmaumelle@gmail.com
The Rt Rev John T. W. Harmon, 14th Bishop of Arkansas and the Rev Peggy Cromwell, Vicar - St Nicholas’ Episcopal Church.
We strive to see Jesus.
At St. Nicholas’ Episcopal Church in Maumelle, we strive to see Jesus in the world around us, in the strangers we meet …
Visit Us
Beginning Sunday, March 2, 2025, we gather at 1201 Edgewood Drive (First United Methodist Church,
in Maumelle.
Services Times
Sundays, 10:00 a.m. and 5:oo p.m.
Zoom link is available.
Email us if you would like a Zoom link.
At St. Nicholas’, everyone is welcome! Yes, we mean it. We believe that all people are beloved children of God, worthy of dignity and respect. We invite you to check out our services - either in person or online. We look forward to meeting you soon. May God bless you and give you peace.
– The Rev. Peggy Cromwell, Vicar

Our Little Food Pantry
Though we are moving, our Little Free Pantry will remain in its current location. Our donors will continue to stock it regularly. There is also a Blessing Box in the parking lot of First UMC, 1201 Edgewood Drive, that we will support. If you would like to donate, just drop off your non-perishable goods at either box.